Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I'm just me

Spoke to a new journey,Spoke to hit the roadFall out of his armSpoke tough fishing                                      Speaks of dreamsIf you rewind myself like a snail,People are dreamers,You are positive peopleFull of light in the darkness dropsFirefly cultivated, saying that he did not.
It was nice,I will now open underneath pain farmingDisorders Why do not tell anyone!Do not think anyone,Why life is so random.

Do not listen to anyone,
He has been a cloud in the sky
It took the color of someone's mood,
He was pale sky.

Do not listen to anyone,
He has been a cloud in the sky
It took the color of someone's mood,
He was pale sky.

Do not call anyone,
We will not accumulate under eye dark circles,
To go to the hospital two days later.
Medication will not tell anyone if you do not,
- Do not suppose I'll spend the night.

It was nice,
And there is no obligation,
Now I am just me.