Friday, May 13, 2016

10 Natural Foods Help Protect The Body From The Sun

10 natural foods help protect body fromStudies have shown that the ultraviolet radiation of the sun can cause a negative effect on our bodies, such as sunburns, tanning, aging, eye disorders, immune system weakness, skin cancer, ... Therefore, we need to take measures to protect themselves from the sun. Here are 10 foods that naturally acts as a kind of sunscreen you should supplement this summer.

1.Carrots: Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps the body protect itself from the harmful effects of the sun. Carrots can also help improve skin sunburn quickly, because they are rich in vitamin E.

2.Citrus fruits: Orange, lemon, tangerine, ... there are rich in vitamin C content. Vitamin C is known for its ability to prevent skin cancer in a large extent. This fruit can protect the skin from sunburn and improve skin pigmentation.

3.Pomegranate: Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and Ellagic acid, these substances are known to be able to provide special protection for the body from UVA and UVB rays of the sun.

4.Strawberries: Packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, strawberries are one of the foods with natural sun protection factor SPF best. They protect your skin from the harmful effects of free radicals of the sun and keeps skin healthy and bright.

5.Green tea: Green tea is rich in tanik acid, it can soothe burns caused by the sun. In addition, it can protect your body from UV rays, increase immunity and reduce inflammation, thus green tea acts as a natural sunscreen.

6.Almonds: Almonds contain Quentin, which helps your immune system protect itself from ultraviolet radiation is harmful. In addition, the amount of vitamin E in almonds may help heal sunburn and tan.

7.Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants. The combination of these nutrients may help your immune system becomes stronger and protects the body from UV radiation and free radicals.

8.Watermelon: Watermelon is a fruit of natural cooling can reduce body temperature. Additionally, it contains 40% more lycopene than tomatoes, which makes it the only food with excellent SPF.

Turmeric: Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, it can protect the skin from the harsh rays of the sun, and keep your skin healthy and radiant.

10.Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, ... help nourish your skin from within. In addition, the nutrients contained in them can stop the growth of abnormal cells caused by UV rays, thereby preventing skin cancer.

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